Saturday, March 21, 2009

Blog Exercise Summary

This was the first time creating a blog. I found the experience very challenging and initially, somewhat disconcerting. First, I consider myself somewhat of an introvert. That being the case, I think that I am very uncomfortable with putting my thoughts, even educational ones, out for public consumption. I know that sounds strange since I post to the discussion threads, but I view that a little differently. Besides, I have been doing online classes for the past ten years and have become very comfortable with that controlled environment. Publishing for the entire world to view, to me, seemed somehow strange. Hopefully with more experience in this area, that feeling will go away.

The challenge of this assignment, and class, had to do with the timing. Prior to beginning this degree program, my professional responsibilities were manageable and their associated deadlines minimal. With the passing of the stimulus plan, or its official title, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, our state agency as probably other state agencies, have become inundated with several initiatives, all having to be completed, right now. The next thing I knew I had more deadlines than there were hours in the day. Although very grateful that I have a job, I’m not necessarily happy with the amount of work that has come my way in the past month. The challenge now is managing this extensive increase in work and staying on top of my course work. I am also somewhat frustrated that I don’t have as much time as I would like to become more familiar with the new technology that I have been introduced to during the class but this blogging exercise is a step in the right direction for gaining the desired new knowledge.



  1. Hello Cheryl......
    Thanks for posting your info at my post. It is said that the world's judgement will be out there, regarding our information. I hope to look at it as something important for them to see, because if reading something about me creates a sense of importance, then that only makes me feel important. It makes me feel like they are reading a book of mines, which someday I would like to do. This is also my first "blog"; time is never enough these days.
    Peace Cheryl; thanks again... Just, Rita

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed reading your posts. This was also my first blogging experience. In addition to putting our thoughts out there, there is the added pressure this being a graded assignment. It was a good learning activity. Best wishes!

