Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Module 2b Web 2.0 Technology

In module 2 I had a question I wanted to pose to the class but the events within my professional life overwhelmed me and I let the opportunity slip by. Nonetheless, the question still exists. I am curious to find out who uses radio as a delivery method for distance education and what are they teaching with it? Okay onto my discussion of web 2.0 technology.

Module 2a

I really enjoyed this module. This module validated for me the selection of the MDE program as a compliment to my bachelor and prior master degree which are in Information Systems (CIS/MIS). It allowed me to blend my love for Information Technology into what is becoming my second passion; education. I actually got a chance to experience two of the applications used to develop and deliver distance education classes. I chose WebEx and Moodle as the two applications to explore. I have had a great deal of actual practical experience with WebEx because it is what my agency uses to hold meetings, conferences, and training. I have hosted several past WebEx meeting and events. It was only after doing the comparative analysis of the two applications did I consider that there were just as many cons as there were pros for WebEx. When compared to Moodle, WebEx can be somewhat limiting in terms of how flexible the application can be; but WebEx does has some advantages as well. The key advantage of using WebEx is that of convenience. With WebEx there is very little preparation required to get up and running. Moodle on the other hand requires a great deal of preliminary work to get up and running to include installation and configuration of the application. However Moodle was the application that held my interest the most. I would really like to become more familiar with this application. I like the possibility of developing my own course. Moodle, with its open source code offers unlimited potentials in this area.

The only drawback I had with this module was that of time. There was just not enough time for me to really learn the application the way that I wanted to. I also wanted to try Second City but again, there was just not enough time. I can only hope that I will somehow be able to get back to both of these applications sometime in the future. Unfortunately it may have to be after I have finished my degree.


1 comment:

  1. I also enjoyed this module. I was most intrigued by the Second Life discussion. The classroom discussion was my introduction to Second Life. After doing a little research, I could not believe how detailed and involved the system is. You could literally start a “second” life in second life. I think that when it comes to teens, there is a need for caution on the part of parents. I can imagine that teens and maybe even adults could very easily be sucked into the program.
    I also did my research and essay on Moodle and Webex. I’m looking for an opportunity to use Webex (I may even host a meeting with family and friends just for the fun of it)
    Now as far as your question is concerned... I’m curious to know the same thing. The only thing I can think of is programming for children, reading fluency programs or something along those lines. But for adults, I can’t think of a thing.
